Elise Wesley Costume Design
Elise Wesley has been described as...
"The real life Edna Mode"
"A Muppet trapped in a goth girl's body"
"Vaguely witchy"
"The Queen of Quirk"
Elise is a costume designer based in NYC. She holds a MFA in Costume Design from UC San Diego and a BFA in Theatre Design and Technology with a minor in Arts Administration from Otterbein University. Elise's passion for all things costumes began at age 10, when she wandered into the costume shop after a rehearsal for a production of the Wizard of Oz. (She played a munchkin. It was adorable.) After the costume designer asked her to sew a button onto a hat, she immediately fell in love with creating costume pieces, and has called the costume shop home ever since. Some of Elise's favorite things include: dramatic lipstick, corn, the color black, the Muppets, oversized glasses, grilled cheese, and a good glass of rosé.
email: ewesley915@gmail.com
cell: (614) 753-8347